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Whitledge, G.W. 2019. Sources and inter-river movement patterns of Black Carp in the Mississippi River basin: insights from otolith chemistry. 51st Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI.
*Evans, H. and G.W. Whitledge. 2019. Comparison of resource use by invasive Black Carp and native fish using isotopic niche analysis. 51st Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI. *Runner-up, Best student presentation award.
McMinn, M., L. Elliott, G. Kinsel. 2018. Thermodynamic studies of gas-phase equilibrium in MALDI-MS. The 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Poster
Whitledge, G.W., J.G. Miner, J.R. Farver, K. Pangle, D.C. Chapman, P. Kocovsky, and S.J. Herbst. 2018. Diploid Grass Carp in the Great Lakes: tracking origins through otolith chemistry. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, NJ.
Evans, H. and G.W. Whitledge. 2018. Comparison of resource use by invasive Black Carp and native fish using isotopic niche analysis. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, NJ.
Miner, J., J. Farver, K. Pangle, G.W. Whitledge, D.C. Chapman, P. Kocovsky, and S. Herbst. 2018. Diploid Grass Carp in the Great Lakes: tracking origins through otolith chemistry. 61st Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Schiller, A.M., G.W. Whitledge, and B. Knights. 2018. Recruitment sources of Silver Carp in the Ohio River basin. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Kinsel, G., M. McMinn, L. Elliott. 2017. Thermodynamic Studies of Gas-Phase Equilibria in MALDI MS. The 65th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Indianapolis, IN. Poster
Zneimer, S.L., L. Lefticariu, T. Ford, M. Lefticariu. 2017. Modeling local water cycle dynamics by integrating stable isotopes of precipitation and climate parameters. Undergraduate Research Forum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL.
O'Connell, M., L. Lefticariu, M. Lefticariu. 2017. Stable Isotope and Chemical Composition of Rainwater in Carbondale. Undergraduate Research Forum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL.
Zneimer, S.L., L. Lefticariu, T. Ford, M. Lefticariu. 2017. Modeling local water cycle dynamics by integrating stable isotopes of precipitation and climate parameters. The GSA North-Central Section 51th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Whitledge, G.W. 2017. Distinguishing introduced and naturally-reproduced Grass carp in the Upper Mississippi River using otolith stable isotope ratios. Poster, 49th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI.
Schiller, A.M., G.W. Whitledge, and B. Knights. 2017. Recruitment sources of Silver Carp in the Ohio River basin. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
Elliott, L., K. Kirmess, G. Kinsel. 2016. Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry and NMR Characterization of Plasma Polymerized Styrene. The 64th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, San Antonio, TX. Poster
Brooks, J., K.A. Fritz, J.N. Fulgoni, K.E. McLeran, R. Goldkuhl, and M.R. Whiles. 2016. Effects of an in-stream restoration project on mobile riparian consumers. Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA.
Knights, B., G.W. Whitledge, J. Vallazza, J. Larson, M. Weber, J. Lamer, and Q.E. Phelps. 2016. Identification of Bighead carp and Silver carp natal environments and detection of Lock and Dam 19 passage in the Upper Mississippi River: insights from otolith chemistry. 5th Biennial Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference, La Crosse, WI.
Whitledge, G.W., B. Knights, J. Vallazza, J. Larson, M. Weber, J. Lamer, and Q.E. Phelps. 2016. Identification of Bighead carp and Silver carp natal environments and detection of Lock and Dam 19 passage in the Upper Mississippi River: insights from otolith chemistry. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
Widloe, T., G.W. Whitledge, and V. Santucci. 2016. Removal of Asian carp from Chicago area fishing ponds and potential sources of their introduction. 76th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Loubere, A. and G.W. Whitledge. 2016. Using otolith microchemistry to identify recruitment sources of Ohio River Sauger. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
Oliver, D.C. and G.W. Whitledge. 2016. Recruitment and population dynamics of Blue catfish in the Ohio River. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
Wolf, M., K. Haupt, Q.E. Phelps, and G.W. Whitledge. 2016. Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) recruitment sources in the Middle Mississippi River. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO. Poster.
Chapman, D.C., J. Bailey, A. Benson, B. Cudmore, J. Farver, S.J. Herbst, P.M. Kocovsky, A.R. Mahon, J.G. Miner, D. Nicks, and G.W. Whitledge. 2016. Status of Grass Carp in the Great Lakes. 19th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Loubere, A.D., G.W. Whitledge, N.P. Rude, and D.C. Oliver. 2016. Using otolith analysis and microchemistry to estimate growth and identify recruitment sources of Ohio River sauger. 54th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Springfield, IL. Poster.
Widloe, T., G.W. Whitledge, and V. Santucci. 2016. Removal of Asian carp from Chicago area fishing ponds and potential sources of their introduction. 76th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
Zneimer, S.L., Lefticariu, L., Ford, T., Lefticariu, M. 2016. Modeling local water cycle dynamics by integrating stable isotopes of precipitation and climate parameters. The 2016 GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Zneimer, S.L., Lefticariu, L., Ford, T., Lefticariu, M. 2016. Modeling regional weather patterns in southern Illinois by integrating stable water isotopes found in precipitation to distinguish various controls on the local hydrologic cycle. The American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Zneimer, S.L., Lefticariu, M., Lefticariu, L. 2016. Tracking regional climate patterns through stable water isotopologues in precipitation and surface waters of southern Illinois. St. Louis Area Undergraduate Research Symposium, St. Louis, MO.
Zneimer, S.L., Lefticariu, M., Lefticariu, L. 2016. Distinguishing between different hydrologic processes and their fractionation effects within the isotopic signature of the Southern Illinois. Undergraduate Research Forum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL.
Zneimer, S.L., Lefticariu, M., Lefticariu, L. 2016. Integrating stable isotopes of precipitation and Earth system models to elucidate local water cycle dynamics. The GSA North-Central Section 50th Annual Meeting, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
Raphael Lemes Hamawaki, Chiun-Kang Hsu, Curtis Wolf, Kelsey Smith, Stella K. Kantartzi, 2016. Assessment of traits related to nitrogen fixation in soybean (Glycine max. [L.] Merril). Soybean Breeders Workshop, St. Louis, MO.
Raphael Lemes Hamawaki, Chiun-Kang Hsu, Curtis Wolf, Kelsey Smith, Stella K. Kantartzi. 2016. Estimation of early and late nitrogen fixation in soybean (Glycine max[L.] Meril) Annual meeting of Crop Science Society of America, Phoenix, AZ.
Raphael Lemes Hamawaki, Chiun-Kang Hsu, Curtis Wolf, Stella K. Kantartzi. Evaluation of soybean genotypes for N2 fixation capacity. Annual meeting of Crop Science Society of America, Phoenix, AZ.
Kirmess, K., R. Knochenmuss, G. Blanchard, G. R. Kinsel. 2015. Correlation of matrix excited state dynamics with morphology and MALDI performance. The 63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, St. Louis, MO. Poster
Elliott, L., G.R. Kinsel. 2015. Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry of plasma polymerized styrene. The 63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, St. Louis, MO. Poster
Czerniejewski, M., G.R. Kinsel, M.E. Kinsel. 2015. Quantitation of incurred leucocrystal violet residues in tilapia and channel catfish by ESI-LC-MS. The 63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, St. Louis, MO. Poster
Akinapalli, S., S. Wilson, L. Tolley, G. R. Kinsel. 2015. Microfluidic dynamic isoelectric focusing: A novel separation and sampling technique for MALDI analysis. The 63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, St. Louis, MO. Poster
McLeran, K., M. Therrell, L. Lefticariu. 2015. Oxygen and carbon isotope analysis in tree-rings of Pterocarpus Angolensis in Zimbabwe. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
McLeran, K., M. Therrell, L. Lefticariu. 2015. Oxygen isotope analysis in tree-rings of Pterocarpus Angolensis in Zimbabwe. HiRes2015: the Conference on High Resolution Proxies on Paleoclimate. University of Wisconsin Madison, WI.
Zneimer, S.L., M. Lefticariu, L. Lefticariu. 2015. Tracking regional climate patterns through stable water isotopologues in precipitation and surface waters of southern Illinois. Undergraduate Research Forum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL.
Brito, G., M. Lefticariu, L. Lefticariu. 2015. Stable isotope composition of surface waters in Southern Illinois and Missouri. Undergraduate Research Forum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL.
Whitledge, G.W., D. Chapman, J. Jenkins, J. Bailey, and D. Nicks. 2015. Evidence of black carp establishment in the Mississippi River. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.
Stein, J.A., S. Landsman, and G.W. Whitledge. 2015. Detection of natural reproduction and successful recruitment of lake trout in southern Lake Michigan using stable isotope analysis. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.
Widloe, T., G.W. Whitledge, and V. Santucci. 2015. Removal of Asian carp from Chicago area fishing ponds and potential sources of their introduction. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.
Stein, J.A., S. Landsman, and G.W. Whitledge. 2015. Detection of natural reproduction and successful recruitment of lake trout in southern Lake Michigan. 58th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Burlington, VT.
Whitledge, G.W., D. Chapman, J. Jenkins, J. Bailey, and D. Nicks. 2015. Evidence of black carp establishment in the Mississippi River. 47th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI.
Stein, J.A., S. Landsman, and G.W. Whitledge. 2015. On the road to recovery? Detection of natural reproduction and successful recruitment of lake trout in southern Lake Michigan using stable isotope analysis. 75th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Whitledge, G.W., D. Chapman, J. Jenkins, J. Bailey, and D. Nicks. 2015. Evidence of black carp establishment in the middle Mississippi River. 75th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Laughlin, T.W., G.W. Whitledge, D.C. Oliver, and N.P. Rude. 2015. Recruitment sources of catfishes in the middle Mississippi River. 75th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Whitledge, G.W., D. Chapman, and T. King. 2015. Distinguishing aquaculture-derived and naturally-reproduced grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Great Lakes using otolith stable isotope ratios. 75th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Poster
Kirmess, K., G. Blanchard and G. Kinsel. 2014. Relation of Excited State Lifetimes and Ion Yields for Common MALDI Matrices. The 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Baltimore, MD. Poster
Feltrop, P.D., C.K. Nielsen, E.M. Schauber, and G.W. Whitledge. 2014. Using stable isotopes to determine the role of bigheaded carps on the trophic position of river otters in Illinois. The 74th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. Poster
Kipp, W.R., M.E. Bentley, B.F. Denny and L. Lefticariu. 2014. Rare Earth Element concentrations and distributions in minerals within the Illinois/Kentucky Fluorspar District. Undergraduate Research Forum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL. Poster
Bentley, M.E., K.E. McLeran, M. Lefticariu and L. Lefticariu. 2014. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope characterization of precipitation in Carbondale, IL. Undergraduate Research Forum, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL.
Laughlin, T., D. Oliver, N.P. Rude, and G.W. Whitledge. 2014. Recruitment sources of channel and blue catfishes in the middle Mississippi River. Poster, The 74th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Bock, L.R. and G.W. Whitledge. 2014. Dentary bone chemistry as an indicator of environmental history for paddlefish. The 74th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Laughlin, T., D. Oliver, N.P. Rude, and G.W. Whitledge. 2014. Recruitment sources of catfishes in the middle Mississippi River. Poster, The 52nd Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bloomington, IL.
Whitledge, G.W., J. Norman, and Q.E. Phelps. 2014. Natal environment and movement of Asian carps in the upper Mississippi River inferred from otolith chemistry. International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage, Madison, WI.
Whitledge, G.W., J. Norman, and Q.E. Phelps. 2014. Recruitment sources of Asian carps in pools 20-26 of the upper Mississippi River. The 74th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Oliver, D., G.W. Whitledge, T. Laughlin, and N.P. Rude. 2014. Recruitment sources of catfishes in the Ohio River. The 74th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Widloe, T. and G.W. Whitledge. 2014. Asian carp in urban fishing ponds. The 52nd Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bloomington, IL.
Czerniejewski, M. and G. Kinsel. 2013. Characterization of the photodegradation of crystal violet by LDI-TOF-MS. The 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Minneapolis, MN. Poster
Kirmess, K. and G. Kinsel. 2013. An investigation of neutral clusters in electrospray mass spectrometry. The 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Minneapolis, MN. Poster
Priyansantha, K. D., M. Kinsel and G. Kinsel. 2013. Mixture effects on peptide quantification by MALDI MS. The 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Minneapolis, MN. Poster
Eastwood, S., B. Mitrovic, V. Wong, J. Pogue, C. Scott and G. Kinsel. 2013. Evaluation of amine-containing polymer brushes and polymer thin films for biomolecular mixture fractionation prior to MALDI MS. The 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Minneapolis, MN. Poster
Bock, L.R. and G.W. Whitledge. 2013. Dentary bone chemistry as an indicator of environmental history for paddlefish. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI.
Crawford, J.C., L. Berkman, C. Jordan, and C.K. Nielsen. 2013. Spatial and food resource partitioning in two sympatric rabbits of southern Illinois. American Society of Mammalogists 75th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, IL.
Yung, A., G.W. Whitledge, and J.T. Trushenski. 2013. Movement of fishes from Lake Michigan into Chicago area waterways. The 51st Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Whittington, IL.
Walters, E. R., C.W. Pugh, K.S. Bender and L. Lefticariu. 2013. Use of stable isotopes to quantify biological and abiotic processes contributing to sulfur cycling in an AMD treatment system. The 23rd Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Florence, Italy.
Cherry, W., F.L. Forray and L. Lefticariu. 2013. Connectivity of the Tisza River System: trace element and isotopic constraints. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Shi, F., A.M. Coffey, K.W. Waddell, E.Y. Chekmenev and B.M. Goodson. 2013. Enhancement of Solution NMR Signals using parahydrogen and a heterogeneous SABRE catalyst. Midwest Regional Meeting of the ACS, Springfield, MO.
Bock, L.R. and G.W. Whitledge. 2012. Dentary bone chemistry as an indicator of environmental history for paddlefish. The 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN
Bock, L.R. and G.W. Whitledge. 2012. Dentary bone chemistry as an indicator of environmental history for paddlefish. The 50th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Utica, IL.
Norman, J. and G.W. Whitledge. 2012. Recruitment sources of bighead and silver carps in the Illinois River. The 50th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Utica, IL.
Norman, J. and G.W. Whitledge. 2012. Recruitment sources of bighead and silver carps in the Illinois River. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI.
Whitledge, G.W., J.T. Trushenski, P. Hitchens, and A. Yung. 2012. Monitoring VHS status of Illinois lakes and rivers and movement of fishes from Lake Michigan into unaffected waters. The 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN.
Yung, A., G.W. Whitledge, and J.T. Trushenski. 2012. Movement of fishes from Lake Michigan into Chicago area waterways. The 50th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Utica, IL.
Van der Merwe, J. and E.C. Hellgren. 2012. Impact of the invasive wetland plant, Phragmites australis, on small-mammal food webs. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Portland, OR.
Lefticariu, L., E.R. Walters, C.W. Pugh and K.S. Bender. 2012. Stable isotope and microbial indicators of sulfur cycle pathways in an AMD treatment system. GSA Annual Meeting, NC.
McLeran, K., M. Therrell and L. Lefticariu. 2012. Oxygen isotope analysis in tree-rings of Pterocarpus Angolensis in Zimbabwe. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Denny, B.F., L. Lefticariu, J.T. Freiburg, T. Rızaoğlu and Y. Uras. 2012. Oxygen and Carbon isotopic variations of Lower Chesterian Limestones of the Illinois Basin and the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorite District. The 5th International Geochemistry Symposium, Denizli, Turkey.
Jordan, C. M. 2012. You Are What You Eat: Using stable isotopes to determine differences in diet between rabbit species of southern Illinois. REACH Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity Awards Competition, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL.
Whitledge, G.W., J. Norman, Q.E. Phelps and D. R. Ernat. 2011. Identifying recruitment sources of Asian carps in the Illinois River. The 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
Whitledge, G.W. 2011. Applications of stable isotopes and trace elements as natural markers of fish environmental history in the Midwest. Invited speaker, School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
Whitledge, G.W., J. Norman, Q.E. Phelps and D.R. Ernat. 2011. Identifying recruitment sources of Asian carps in the Illinois River. The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Mississippi River Research Consortium, La Crosse, WI.
Whitledge, G.W., J. Norman, Q.E. Phelps and D.R. Ernat. 2011. Identifying recruitment sources of Asian carps in the Illinois River basin. The 49th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Peoria, IL.
Wieder, R.K., M.A. Vile, K.D. Scott and D.H. Vitt and J. Quinn. 2011. Bog Plant Tissue Chemistry as an Indicator of Regionally Elevated Atmospheric N and S Deposition in the Alberta Oil Sands Region. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Berkman, L.K. and C.K. Nielsen. 2011. Ecological differences between sympatric lagomorphs in early-successional bottomland forests. The 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA.
Norman, J., G.W. Whitledge, Q.E. Phelps and D.R. Ernat. 2011. Identification of natal environment of adult Asian carps in the Illinois River using otolith microchemistry and stable isotope analysis. The 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA.
Bock, L.R. and G.W. Whitledge. 2011. Dentary microchemistry and isotopic composition as indicators of paddlefish environmental history. The 49th Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Peoria, IL. Poster
Eastwood,S., V. Wong, B. Mitrovic, C. Scott and G. Kinsel. 2011. Peptide / Protein Separation with Cationic Polymer Brush Nanosponges for MALDI MS Analysis. The 59th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, CO. Poster
Priyasantha, K. D., M. Kinsel and G.R. Kinsel. 2011. Significance of Ion Signal Resolution in MALDI Quantification Studies. The 59th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, CO. Poster
Wong, V., G.R. Kinsel, D.J. Dyer and B. Mitrovic. 2010. NIPAAM-MAA brush polymer modified MALDI targets for improved sequence coverage in MS-based protein identification. The 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster
Peng, L. and G.R. Kinsel. 2010.RF plasma polymerized ethylenediamine modified MALDI target for enhanced E. coli proteomic analysis. The 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT (May 2010). Poster
Priyasantha, K.D., M.E. Gimon-Kinsel and G.R. Kinsel. 2010. Evaluation and optimization of protein recovery from gels for MALDI-MS analysis. The 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster
Eastwood, S., M.E. Gimon-Kinsel and G.R. Kinsel. 2010. Evaluation of protamine zinc insulin (PZI) stability from chromatographic fingerprints and MALDI mass spectrometry. Presented at the 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Salt Lake City, UT. Poster
Whitledge, G.W. 2010. Otolith and fin ray chemistry as natural markers of fish environmental history in Midwestern rivers. Invited speaker, Illinois Natural History Survey, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL.
Fernando, G. and G.R. Kinsel. 2009. Pulsed Radio Frequency Plasma Modified MALDI Targets for Rapid On-Probe Protein Separation and Identification. The 44th Annual Midwest Regional ACS Meeting, Iowa City, IA. Oral
Kinsel, M.E., J. Boulds, A. Davis and G.R. Kinsel. 2009. Evaluation of protein recovery from in-gel digests using MALDI mass spectrometry. The 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Bremen, Germany. Poster
Kinsel, G.R. and L. Peng. 2009. Mass spectrometric characterization of polymer thin films produced by radio frequency plasmas. The 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Bremen, Germany. Invited Oral
Wong, V., G.R. Kinsel and D. Dyer. 2009. Optimized conditions to capture peptides (bradykinin and buccalin) for efficient fractionation of a peptide/protein mixture. The 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Philadelphia, PA. Poster
Peng, L. and G.R. Kinsel. 2009. Characterization of rf Plasma-polymerized compounds by MALDI mass spectrometry. The 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Philadelphia, PA. Oral
Dyer, D., V. Wong, B. Mitrovic, G.R. Kinsel and S. Zauscher. 2009. Responsive polymer brush nanosponges. The 237th ACS National Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Oral
Peng, L. and G.R. Kinsel. 2008. Non-fouling surfaces for enhanced performance MALDI targets. The 60th Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Nashville, TN. Oral
Kinsel, G.R. and L. Peng. 2008. Substrate influence on peptide/protein MALDI ion signals. The 2008 Federation of Analytical Chemists and Spectroscopists Society (FACSS) Meeting, Reno, NV. Invited Oral
Peng, L., Z. Segu, J. Mathai and G.R. Kinsel. 2008. Comparison of approaches in improving MALDI MS sensitivity. The 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, CO. Poster
Wong, V.-N., G.R. Kinsel, D.J. Dyer, G. Fernando and Z. Segu. 2008. A comparison of poly co-(N-isopropylacrylamide-methacrylic acid) (NIPAAM-MAA) polymer brush surfaces and plasma polymer surfaces for on-target peptide fractionation. The 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, CO. Poster
Fernando, G., R. Hopkins and G.R. Kinsel. 2008. On-probe fractionation and high confidence protein identification of complex protein mixtures using RF plasma modified MALDI targets. The 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Denver, CO. Poster
Dyer, D., V. Wong, A. Wagner, G.R. Kinsel, J. Zhang and S. Zauscher. 2008. Peptide Fractionation with Polymer Brush Nanosponges. The Organic Structures and Properties Gordon Research Converence, Lucca, Italy. Poster
Kinsel, G.. 2007. Experimental probes of equilibrium conditions in laser desorbed plumes of material. The 2007 Federation of Analytical Chemists and Spectroscopists Society (FACSS) Meeting, Memphis, TN. Invited Oral
Fernando, G., V.-N. Wong, G.R. Kinsel, D.J. Dyer and L. van Waasbergen. 2007. Poly co-(N-isopropylacrylamide-methacrylic acid) (NIPAAM-MAA) brush polymer surfaces for the selective capture of proteins from complex mixtures. The 55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Indianapolis, IN. Poster
Segu, Z.M., J.C. Mathai and G.R. Kinsel. 2007. Simple and effective methods to increase the surface capacity for on-probe affinity capture MALDI-MS. The 55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Indianapolis, IN. Poster
Peng, L. and G.R. Kinsel. 2007. Application of non-fouling surface in MALDI mass spectrometry. The 55th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Indianapolis, IN. Poster
Dyer, D.J., A. Wagner, P. Blandford, Q. Best, V.-N. Wong, G. Fernando, G.R. Kinsel, J. Zhang, M. Kaholek and S. Zauscher. 2007. Polyelectrolyte nanosponges for fractionation of peptides. The Gordon Research Conference on Organic Thin Films, Aussois, France. Poster
Mathai, C.J., Z. M. Segu and G.R. Kinsel. 2006. Gradient functionalized plasma polymer films for on probe affinity capture (OPAC) MALDI MS. The 53rd American Vacuum Society International Symposium, San Francisco, CA. Poster
Fernando, G. and G.R. Kinsel. 2006. Metal ion impregnated PMMA as on-probe affinity capture MALDI (OPAC MALDI) probes for the fractionation of protein mixtures. The 53rd American Vacuum Society International Symposium, San Francisco, CA. Poster
Kinsel, G.R., G. Fernando, Z. Segu, J. Mathai and L. van Waasbergen. 2006. Plasma polymer modified MALDI targets for on-probe proteome fractionation. The 17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Prague, The Czech Republic. Oral
Fernando, G. and G.R. Kinsel. 2006. Correlation of thermodynamic and (photo)physical properties of MALDI matrices with analyte ionization efficiencies. The 54th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Seattle, WA. Poster
Segu, Z. M. and G.R. Kinsel. 2006. Sublayer assisted MALDI (SA-MALDI): Practical applications and fundamental studies. The 54th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Seattle, WA. Poster